Sunday, October 30, 2022

- 西川口

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- 西川口

  JR東日本西川口駅構内のご案内をいたします。 日本最大級のグルメサイト「食べログ」では、西川口駅で人気のお店 件を掲載中。実際にお店で食事をしたユーザーの口コミ、写真、評価など食べログにしかない情報が 西川口駅(にしかわぐちえき)は、埼玉県川口市並木二丁目にある、東日本旅客鉄道(JR東日本)の駅である。駅番号はJK 40。 西川口駅  

やっぱり治安が気になる!中核市に移行する西川口の住みやすさと子育て環境 - 雑居ビルから普通の賃貸マンション、木造アパートまで

  近年のランキングを見てみると、「年LIFELL HOME'S住みたい街ランキング」では川口を抑えて12位にランクイン。さらにWoman. ページ ノート. All Rights Reserved. 西川口は東京と埼玉の県境、赤羽から荒川を渡った先にあります。埼玉県の玄関口である川口の隣に位置します。 都内の赤羽まで電車でわずか6分の「限りなく東京に近い埼玉県」であり、都心へのアクセスは抜群です。. 埼玉県川口市西川口エリアで人気の幼稚園として、西川口駅から徒歩10分の「西川口幼稚園」が挙がっています。 言語・音楽・体育活動を取り入れており専門の先生から英語や書道、絵画を学ぶ時間があるなど教育面に力を入れているのが人気ポイントのようです。. 永吉 名前の由来はもちろんあの方 西川口駅のガチ中華が並ぶ通りにあるシンプルな街中華の暖簾を掲げたお店、「永吉」さん。こちらは担々麺の有名店です。ゴマからペーストにした自家製の練りごまとラー油が香る担々麺はもちろん.    


- 西川口


蕨も壊滅 実は西川口の隣駅の蕨駅もNK流が存在していたのです。 もっと詳しく解説すると西川口のから蕨までの線路沿いにボロいアパートに大人のプロレス会場がぽつんぽつんとあったりしました。 蕨の大人のプロレス会場は西川口の相場よりもワンランク低め、西川口で一試合7Kレベルなら蕨で5Kといった感じです。 ただし蕨は大陸系と呼ばれるレスラー嬢がけっこういた場所、日本人ではないレスラーのことです。 当時の蕨は大人のプロレス会場は少なめ、30会場も無かったはずです。 西川口のオキニ店がどこも2時間待ち、でも予算は10Kなんて時は蕨へ みたいな方もけっこう多かったのでは?なんて。 そんな蕨の大人のプロレス会場も西川口同様に壊滅、ただし蕨は年の西川口のように20年も空きビルなんてのは無いかと思います。 会場が少なかっただけあって再興が早かったのでしょう。 箱型からデリバリー型へ 西川口が壊滅、NK流も壊滅となると大人のプロレスにどっぷりはまっていた客は「次はどこだ?」とエリアを探しまくります。 これは大手ネット掲示板でも当時は活発に情報交換がされておりまして越谷流や鶯谷流なんて噂で盛り上がっていました。 ところがどこを探しても〇〇流が存在しない、実際に噂の現場を訪れても〇〇流にならない。箱型と呼べる形態でのNK流は完全に消滅しました。 代わりに台頭したのが無店舗型のスタイルでありデリバリーと呼ばれるジャンルです。 ただしデリバリーとはいっても確実にNK流があるわけではない、もともと西川口でレスラーをしていた嬢はNK流OKのような方もいましたが確実ではない。 電話の時点でNKですか?と聞いても教えてくれない、NKって何?なんて回答をされたり。 それでも西川口壊滅後しばらくした当時、NKが可能な無店舗型を探す方法は存在。それは幹線道路やメイン道路から外れた道路の電信柱に張り付けてある張り紙、携帯電話の番号が書かれている怪しい雰囲気しかしないアレです。 そんな張り紙も令和時代となればめっきり見なくなりましたね、昔は電話BOXでも情報収集できたものです。 踏み込まれた時、客としては任意捜査としての対象 ここからは大人のプロレスごっこをしている時に踏み込まれた時にどうするか?客は捕まるのか?と、大人のプロレス好きが気になる話。 私の経験を申しますと大人のプロレス中に踏み込まれたこと この続き: 文字.

かつて「NK流」で名を轟かせた西川口の昔と今 岩田夢雲. On 25 May, the world celebrated Africa day and commemorated the founding of the Organisation of African Unity OAU , which is today known as the African Union.

Victory Park Hidden between Delta Park and the Johannesburg Botanical Garden, you will find the quiet leafy suburb of Victory Park, regarded as one of the safest. Orange Grove Adjacent to Norwood and Houghton, and divided neatly in half by the busy thoroughfare of Louis Botha Avenue, lies Orange Grove, one of the oldest. Jozi X Being powered by Pure Rush Industries, Jozi X is following the tradition of offering EXCLUSIVE activities to South Africans looking for adventure.

The Hector Pieterson Museum The Hector Pieterson Museum is a large museum located in Orlando West, Soweto, South Africa, two blocks away from where Hector Pieterson was shot and. Maboneng Precinct The Maboneng Precinct is a connected urban neighbourhood in downtown Johannesburg. Art Eye Gallery The Art Eye Gallery is a collaborative space that perpetuates this idea of free expression and community.

Getting To. Explore itineraries. STAY IN. JR東日本ステーションサービス が駅管理を受託する 川口駅 管理の 業務委託駅 [5] 。 島式ホーム 1面2線を有する [1] 地上駅 。 橋上駅舎 を備え、1階がホーム、2階がコンコースと自由通路になっている。 指定席券売機 と 自動改札機 が設置されている。東口側駅舎に5階建ての 駅ビル 「 beans にしかわぐち 」が併設されている。. 近隣の 川口駅 や 蕨駅 よりも後から設置された駅であり、ホームの幅は狭い。そのため、 バリアフリー 工事では階段の幅を削って エスカレーター を設置することができず、階段から離れた場所にエスカレーターを設置した。現在は エレベーター が設置されている。.

南側方面、川口駅との間に存在するオーバークロスは東北貨物線からかつて存在した 川口駅 貨物ホーム及び サッポロビール埼玉工場 への連絡線の跡である。 年11月に川口駅貨物ホームは廃止され、南側は商業施設「キュポ・ラ」、北側は駐車場と保守基地となっている。現在もオーバークロスは保守基地と東北貨物線との連絡線として利用されている。 サッポロビール埼玉工場 は年に閉鎖、その跡地は年に「リボンシティ」として 再開発 され、マンションや大型ショッピングセンター アリオ川口 が建設された。.

近年の推移は下表のとおりである。年度全体の乗車人員を(閏日が入る年度は)で除して1日平均 乗車 人員を求めており、計算で生じた小数点以下の値は 切り捨てている ため、定期外と定期の和は必ずしも合計と一致しない。. 東口駅前並木地区には西川口東口合格通り商店会がある。並木商店会の商店を中心に 年 5月より「 アトム通貨 」の運用をスタートした。. 中華系飲食店をはじめとする 西川口チャイナタウン が広がる。また 蕨市 、 戸田市 の一部地域も徒歩圏内にある。. すべて 国際興業バス によって運行されている。.

埼玉高速鉄道線 が開業するまでは旧 鳩ヶ谷市 や川口市北部の住民の最寄り駅であり、当駅まではバスにてアクセスをしていたため、国際興業バス屈指のドル箱路線であった。特に平日の朝の時間帯は西川01鳩ヶ谷公団住宅~天神橋~西川口駅東口線や西川04もしくは西川だけでは供給が足りず、西川02鳩ヶ谷ターミナル~西川口駅、西川03変電所~西川口駅線を運行し補充した。埼玉高速鉄道線の駅ができてからは、ややそちらに利用を変更した傾向がある。. 西川口駅入口バス停は駅東口から徒歩7分程、新オートレース通りを進み「西川口駅入口」交差点を左折した場所、産業道路沿いの 青木信用金庫 並木町支店付近にある。 みんななかまバス(川口市コミュニティバス) [注釈 3] の路線が発着する。. コンテンツにスキップ 案内. The suburbs to the west have in recent years floundered with the decline of the mining industry but have in some cases experienced some revival with properties being bought up by the local African middle class.

The biggest sprawl lies to the east and north. The eastern suburbs are relatively prosperous and close to various industrial zones. The northern suburbs have been the recipient of most of the flight from the inner city with the city starting to sprawl northwards and multiple secondary CBDs forming in the north towards Pretoria.

Traditionally the northern and north-western suburbs have been the centre for the wealthy, containing the high-end retail shops as well as several upper-class residential areas such as Hyde Park , Sandhurst , Northcliff , Hurlingham , Bryanston and Houghton , where Nelson Mandela made his home. The north-western area, in particular, is vibrant and lively, with the mostly black suburb of Sophiatown once the centre of political activity and the Bohemian-flavoured Melville featuring restaurants and nightlife.

Auckland Park is home to the headquarters of the South African Broadcasting Corporation , AFDA The South African School of Motion Picture and Live Performance and the University of Johannesburg. To the southwest of the city centre is Soweto , a township constructed during apartheid for housing displaced black South Africans then living in areas designated for white settlement.

To the south of Johannesburg is Lenasia , a predominantly Indian township which was constructed during apartheid specifically to house Indians. Closer to Alexandria communities like Glenhazel and Norwood have been integral in the urban landscape of Johannesburg.

Mining was the foundation of the Witwatersrand 's economy, but its importance is gradually declining due to dwindling reserves and service and manufacturing industries have become more significant to the city's economy.

While gold mining no longer takes place within the city limits , most mining companies still have their headquarters in Johannesburg. The city's manufacturing industries extend across a range of areas and there is still a reliance on heavy industries including steel and cement plants.

The service and other industries include banking, IT, real estate, transport, broadcast and print media, private health care, transport and a vibrant leisure and consumer retail market. Due to its commercial role, the city is the seat of the provincial government and the site of a number of government branch offices, as well as consular offices and other institutions.

The Witwatersrand urban complex is a major consumer of water in a dry region. Its continued economic and population growth has depended on schemes to divert water from other regions of South Africa and from the highlands of Lesotho , the biggest of which is the Lesotho Highlands Water Project , but additional sources will be needed early in the 21st century. The City Deep area has been declared an IDZ industrial development zone by the Gauteng government.

Johannesburg's largest shopping centres, measured by gross leasable area GLA, the uniform measure of centre size as determined by the International Council of Shopping Centers are Sandton City, Eastgate, Mall of Africa, Westgate and Cresta. Melrose Arch is one of its most prestigious. There were also plans to build a large shopping centre, known as the Zonk'Izizwe Shopping Resort, in Midrand , but these have been indefinitely delayed due to the opening of Mall of Africa.

Also a complex named Greenstone in Modderfontein has been opened. Upon the creation of the Metropolitan Municipality in the city was subdivided into eleven regions, simply named Region 1 to Region These were reorganized in into the current seven regions named alphabetically Region A to Region G, as shown on the map left. As of [update] the seven regions are:. In the municipal elections, the ruling party, the ANC, lost their majority in Johannesburg for the first time since taking power in , claiming only The Economic Freedom Fighters and Democratic Alliance both agreed to vote for the DA mayoral candidate, Herman Mashaba , who was sworn into power as the first Democratic Alliance mayor of Johannesburg on 22 August After the Group Areas Act was scrapped in , Johannesburg was affected by urban blight.

Thousands of poor black people, who had been forbidden to live in the city proper, moved into the city from surrounding black townships like Soweto and many immigrants from economically beleaguered and war torn African nations flooded into South Africa. Many buildings were abandoned by landlords , especially in high-density areas, such as Hillbrow. Many corporations and institutions, including the stock exchange , moved their headquarters away from the city centre, to suburbs like Sandton.

Reviving the city centre is one of the main aims of the municipal government of Johannesburg. Drastic measures have been taken to reduce crime in the city. These measures include closed-circuit television on street corners.

As of 11 December , every street corner in Johannesburg central is under high-tech CCTV surveillance. The JMPD claims that the average response time by police for crimes committed in the CBD is 60 seconds. Crime levels in Johannesburg have dropped as the economy has stabilised and begun to grow. This excludes development directly associated with the FIFA World Cup. Murders in the Johannesburg municipality amounted to 1, in according to the South African Medical Research Council, a rate of 43 per , inhabitants.

Johannesburg is a cultural hub in South Africa [91] and has a wide variety of cultural venues, making it a prominent area for many creative and cultural industries. Johannesburg is home to the National School of Arts, The University of Witwatersrand's School of the Arts and the South African Ballet Theatre, [91] [92] as well as the Johannesburg Art Gallery [93] and other prominent cultural landmarks, such as the Mary Fitzgerald Square [91] and numerous other museums, theatres, galleries and libraries.

The Johannesburg City Library is located in the Central Business District of Johannesburg. Specialist museums cover subjects such as Africana, costume, design, fossils , geology, military history , medical, pharmacy , photography and transportation networks such as railways. Gold Reef City , a living museum, was originally part of the Crown Mines Complex, where gold was mined to a depth of 3, metres 9, ft.

The Market Theatre stages plays, comedy shows, and musical performances. The following is a list of some of the museums and galleries that can be found in Johannesburg. Johannesburg hosts many of South Africa's premier music events, such as RAMFest 's Johannesburg leg, [97] [98] [99] [] In The City [] and many international tours. The Joburg Theatre complex hosts drama, opera and ballet. Public art ranges from sculptures to murals to pieces by artists like William Kentridge and Gerhard Marx 's Fire Walker.

Many pieces are developed through community workshops, such as the Vilakazi Street sculptures. Others are functional, such as street furniture found in Hillbrow and the city centre. As part of the Johannesburg Development Agency's JDA policy to make city areas desirable to potential investors, the organisation has identified public art as a way to improve the urban experience of the city.

Johannesburg has not traditionally been known as a tourist destination, but the city is a transit point for connecting flights to Cape Town , Durban , and the Kruger National Park. Consequently, most international visitors to South Africa pass through Johannesburg at least once, which has led to the development of several attractions for tourists.

Recent additions have centred on history museums, such as the Apartheid Museum with related visits to Constitution Hill and the Hector Pieterson Museum.

There is also a large industry around visiting former townships , such as Soweto and Alexandra. Most visitors to Soweto see the Mandela Museum , which is located in the former home of Nelson Mandela. Visitors can get a feeling for the layout of the city by visiting the Carlton Centre , in the south-eastern area of the CBD, which has an observation deck on the 50th floor.

At metres feet , it is the highest office building in Africa, however soon to be eclipsed by The Leonardo Sandton , and affords sweeping vistas of the city and surrounds. The nearby Museum Africa covers the history of the city of Johannesburg, as well as housing a large collection of rock art. Also a large draw for tourists is Gold Reef City , a theme park which offers a depiction of mining life at the turn of the nineteenth century, including an underground mine tour; other attractions include a large amusement park and a popular tribal dancing show.

On the culture front, the city has several art museums , such as the Johannesburg Art Gallery , which featured South African and European landscape and figurative paintings. The Market Theatre complex attained notoriety in the s and s by staging anti-apartheid plays and has now become a centre for modern South African playwriting. The Joburg Theatre is South Africa's foremost "receiving house" of live entertainment—presenting world class theatre, both local and international.

The suburbs of Melville , Newtown , Parkhurst , Norwood , Rosebank and Greenside are popular for their bohemian atmosphere, street life, and many restaurants and bars. Shopping is often popular with tourists, as the city offers a range of venues and experiences, from numerous upmarket shopping malls such as Sandton City , Mall of Africa , and Nelson Mandela Square , to various markets and flea markets , such as the Oriental Plaza and the Rosebank Flea Market ; the latter are popular for souvenirs and African art.

See above. Cultural tourists also visit the "Mai Mai Market" [] "Ezinyangeni" — the place of healers; located on the eastern wing of the city centre dedicated to traditional herbs and traditional healers. The Cradle of Humankind a UNESCO World Heritage Site is 25 kilometres 16 mi to the northwest of the city. The Sterkfontein fossil site is famous for being the world's richest hominid site and produced the first adult Australopithecus africanus and the first near-complete skeleton of an early Australopithecine.

Other attractions in this area include the Lesedi Cultural Village , while Magaliesburg and the Hartbeespoort Dam are popular weekend and holiday destinations for Johannesburg residents. The Origins Centre Museum, see below, covers the origins of humankind in Africa , and houses an extensive collection of rock art. Johannesburg and environs offer various options to visitors wishing to view wildlife , in addition to the Johannesburg Zoo , one of the largest in South Africa.

The Lion Park nature reserve, next to Lesedi Cultural Village, is home to over 80 lions and various other game, while the Krugersdorp Nature Reserve , a ha game reserve , is a forty-minute drive from the city centre.

The De Wildt Cheetah Centre [] in the Magaliesberg runs a successful breeding program for cheetah , wild dog and other endangered species. Parks and gardens in Johannesburg are maintained by Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo. It has been estimated that there are six million trees in the city with the number growing every year — 1. Johannesburg Botanical Garden , located in the suburb of Emmarentia , is a popular recreational park.

Johannesburg's most popular sports by participation are association football , cricket , rugby union , and running.

Early each Sunday morning, tens of thousands of runners gather to take part in informal runs organised by several athletic clubs. The city has several football clubs in the Premier Soccer League PSL and the National First Division. In the PSL, the top Johannesburg teams are all fierce rivals and include Kaizer Chiefs nicknamed Amakhosi , Orlando Pirates nicknamed the Buccaneers , Moroka Swallows and Wits University nicknamed the Clever Boys.

They are based at the city's FNB , Orlando , Dobsonville and Bidvest stadiums. Several large-scale league and cup games are played at Soccer City the venue of the FIFA World Cup final. First Division teams are Jomo Cosmos and FC AK. Katlehong City and Alexandra United, play at Alexandra and Reiger Park stadium respectively. Cricket is one of the more popular sports. In cricket, the Highveld Lions represent Johannesburg, the rest of Gauteng as well as the North West at the Wanderers Stadium which was the venue for the Cricket World Cup Final in which Australia successfully defended their title against India.

Wanderers Stadium hosted what many cricket fans consider the greatest ever ODI match in which South Africa successfully chased down runs. They take part in the first class SuperSport Series , the one-day MTN Domestic Championship and the Twenty20 Ram Slam T20 Challenge. Johannesburg also hosted matches from and the final of the ICC World Twenty20 , in which India beat Pakistan in the final. The Lions , formerly the Cats, represent Johannesburg, North West and Mpumalanga in the United Rugby Championship competition, which includes teams from South Africa, Ireland, Italy, Scotland and Wales.

The Golden Lions compete in the Currie Cup , which they have won on ten occasions. They are housed at Ellis Park Stadium , which also hosted the IRB Rugby World Cup Final , in which the South African Springboks defeated the New Zealand All Blacks. The city's Ticketpro Dome and the Ellis Park Arena hosted two of the three NBA Africa Games.

Johannesburg is a young and sprawling city, with its public transportation built in its infancy, geared towards private motorists, and lacks a convenient public transportation system. The City though has invested a large percentage of its budget toward an effective integrated public transportation system.

A significant number of the city's residents are dependent on the city's informal minibus taxis. Johannesburg shares a network of metropolitan routes with Krugersdorp and Ekurhuleni. The fact that Johannesburg is not near a large navigable body of water has meant that ground transportation has been the most important method of transporting people and goods in and out of the city.

The road is composed of three freeways that converge on the city, forming an kilometre 50 mi loop around it: the N3 Eastern Bypass , which links Johannesburg with Durban ; the N1 Western Bypass , which links Johannesburg with Pretoria and Cape Town ; and the N12 Southern Bypass , which links Johannesburg with eMalahleni and Kimberley.

The N3 was built exclusively with asphalt , while the N12 and N1 sections were made with concrete, hence the nickname given to the N1 Western Bypass, "The Concrete Highway". In spite of being up to 12 lanes wide in some areas, the Johannesburg Ring Road is frequently clogged with traffic. The Gillooly's Interchange, built on an old farm and the point at which the N3 Eastern Bypass and the R24 Airport Freeway intersect, is the busiest interchange in the Southern Hemisphere.

Johannesburg has the most freeways connected to it. The M1 and M2 freeways were built to direct traffic towards the city centre. These two freeways are congested due to mass urbanisation. Johannesburg is served by a bus fleet operated by Metrobus Archived 11 February at the Wayback Machine , a corporate unit of the City of Johannesburg. It has a fleet consisting of approximately single and double-decker buses, plying 84 different routes in the city. Metrobus' fleet carries approximately 20 million passengers per annum.

In addition, there are a number of private bus operators, though most focus on the inter-city routes, or on bus charters for touring groups. The city's main bus terminus is situated in Gandhi Square , where passengers can also obtain information regarding the Metrobus service from the walk-in customer information desk. The buses run on their own dedicated bus lanes on the main trunk and complementary routes. The buses also have large feeder routes that run on ordinary roads.

The routes cover both the southern and northern suburbs with the main trunk route running from Soweto to Sandton and Rosebank, and the feeder and complementary routes covering most of Johannesburg, with the notable exceptions of Midrand and Centurion. A subsequent expansion phase 1-C;1-D will cover these areas. In , the Rea Vaya bus rapid transit was recorded to be making huge losses recovering only about 40 per cent of the operating costs and relying heavily on government subsidies.

Johannesburg has two kinds of taxis, metered taxis and minibus taxis. Unlike many cities, metered taxis are not allowed to drive around the city looking for passengers and instead must be called and ordered to a destination. The Gauteng Provincial Government has launched a new metered taxi programme in an attempt to increase the use of metered taxis in the city.

The minibus "taxis" are the de facto standard and essential form of transport for the majority of the population. Since the s The minibus taxi industry has been severely affected by turf wars. The Metrorail Gauteng commuter rail system connects central Johannesburg to Soweto , Pretoria , and most of the satellite towns along the Witwatersrand. The railways transport huge numbers of commuters every day. However, the Metrorail infrastructure was built in Johannesburg's infancy and covers only the older areas in the city's south.

The northern areas, including the business districts of Sandton , Midrand , Randburg , and Rosebank , are served by the rapid rail link Gautrain. A part of the Gauteng Provincial Government's Blue IQ Project, Gautrain has made provision for a rapid rail link, running north to south, between Johannesburg and Pretoria, and west to east between Sandton and the OR Tambo International Airport. Construction of the Gautrain Rapid Rail started in October and was completed in June It consists of a number of underground stations, as well as above-ground stations.

Stations on the north—south line include Johannesburg's Park Station underground , Rosebank underground , Sandton underground , Marlboro above-ground and raised , Midrand , Pretoria Station and Hatfield.

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